
Apple privacy policy on MAC address randomization 0

iOS 8 MAC address randomization issues

It has been known since June this year that Apple with introduce a privacy/security feature to prevent its users from being followed through wifi-tracking (something happening often in stores – though we are still at scarce knowledge how many stores...

Mangalyaan space mission 0

India’s Mangalyaan satellite

As many news agencies have made clear, India’s Mangalyaan satellite has safely reached Mars and is currently orbiting the planet. Mission: try to understand why there is no water on the planet any longer. A noble cause for environmentalists who...

Phil Ochs - When in Rome 0

Phil Ochs – When in Rome (+ guitar chords)

This very well may be one of the most violent lyrics in music, but Phil Ochs as a 68’er, can only be understood through an understanding of those events. He was not a prophetic writer as for instance noted by Peter Yarrow (as quoted...

Bird on a no-bird sign 1

The bird sign turns rhino

Over the last couple of days, and image has resurfaced on the net with the a bird on a no-bird sign. Humorous as the sign is, it is in fact photoshoped. It is surprising how many people have taken the sign to be...

Constantine P. Cavafy 0

Constantine P. Cavafy – Ithaca

As you set out for Ithaca, hope the way is long, full of reversals, full of knowing. Laistrygonians and Cyclops, angry Poseidon you should not fear, never will you find such things on your way if your thought stays lofty,...

Edward Snowden 0

Snowden revelations lead to more espionage paradox

The revelations made by the whistle-blower Edward Snowden paradoxically lead to more espionage, according to professor Bob de Graaff of the Utrecht University. The main reason seems to be that, given the revelations about the extent of NSA’s operations, other...

Blackphone official logo 0

Blackphone has already been cracked

A hacker by the name of Justin Case has managed to crack the Blackphone within five minutes. Not that it is so important that a phone is cracked. One would be surprised if it weren’t cracked. The interesting part is that...